Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Tic-Tac-Toe Game {FREE}

This tic-tac-toe game board is a great game to use no matter what subject you are teaching or concept you need to review. Students answer questions provided by the teacher. If correct, they may lay down a piece on the game board. Three in a row wins!

Best of all...this game can be played in a very short amount of time. Perfect for those kids that finish quickly, but don't have enough time to do another full game!

Tic-Tac-Toe {FREEBIE}

Monday, June 12, 2017

Dominoes (Multiplication, Fractions/Decimals/Percents, and Equivalent Fractions)

Another set of games I've been working on...dominoes! I hope to make many more sets in this series, since they worked so well in my classroom the last few weeks of school. I designed them to be played like Junior Dominoes so that there's no score keeping involved. Let's focus on the math skill...not trying to keep score. :)

The first two items listed have two levels of play to help with differentiated work in your classroom. The third set...well, it just didn't work to have two levels with the number of tiles needed.

Dominoes: Multiplication Math Game}   Dominoes: Fractions, Decimals, & Percents {Math Game}   Dominoes: Equivalent Fractions {Math Game}

Friday, June 9, 2017

Go Fish!! aka...End of the School Year Survival Mode....

I got on a game kick at the end of this year in my classroom. The kids were done. Finished. They'd had it. After getting ready for our state testing (which was a couple weeks later in the school year due to us starting earlier), they were burnt out. But, of course, the district doesn't exactly want us to kick back and watch movies for the last month of school! :) So, I created a few more games so my kiddos would be practicing math skills while having fun. First up: Go Fish!

Go Fish: Decimals, Fractions, & Percents {Math Game}   Go Fish: Written Forms of Whole Numbers {Math Game}   Go Fish: Value of a Digit {Math Game}
Go Fish: Converting Measurements {Math Game}   Go Fish: Forms of Decimals {Math Game} Go Fish: Fact Families {Math Game}