Saturday, July 11, 2015

Math Centers Management

Why oh why didn't I think of this earlier???

I like to put at least two sets of any math game in one manila envelope for center time. #1 It makes it easy for me to grab an envelope and have the center ready to go without looking for an identical center. #2 If there are more than four kids at a table, splitting into two groups and having two games going is a breeze.

The drawback comes when it's time to clean up. I hate having the next group come to me with a handful of cards that were supposed to be in two separate baggies, but were just tossed in the envelope. Okay, dealing with the previous group is easy enough - talk to them, take points, whatever. But, the next group needs those cards and the time I spend sorting everything out is taking time away from my small group!

Last year I tried putting little marks on the back of the cards. Okay, actually, foolish me, I had a couple of my students put marks on the back of the cards with sharpies. Oh, what a mess. I've still got silver & gold marks on my tables.

This year, I'm raiding Dollar Tree and going to go simple: stickers. I just put 20 Mickey Mouse stickers (they come in packs of about 100 for $1) on the back of a set of cards. Sofia the First may be my next set - never mind that I teach 4th grade and the kids are way past Disney Junior. The. Stickers. Are. Cheap!

And...I think I can put kids in charge of putting a stickers on the back of every card...

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

New Game!

So in between family vacations & my son being sick, I managed to put together a new game for my students. It's a version of Go Fish designed to help students practice finding the value of a digit. My kiddos last year picked up that skill really fast...and then forgot it really fast. So, a new little gem was created to give kids that extra practice.