Saturday, May 24, 2014

Silliest Little Invention Yet - Ceiling Magnets!

So, my school's custodian asked that I stop putting paperclip hooks in my ceiling leaving me at a loss for how to hang things. I came up with the coolest invention - only to discover it's already been invented! So, if you'd like to pay $1.85 (plus $1.20 S&H), click here and follow the link to Amazon. If you'd like to make a million of these things for pennies - well, dimes - keep reading.

These are the three types of hooks I've tried. Do-it-yourself good old paper clips bent every which way, purchasing the clips that slide into the ceiling (Too expensive! But, I will continue to keep a few around for the heavy solar system pieces), and my little magnetic paper clip.

Supplies you need: magnets, hot glue, and paper clips.

Simply hot glue the paper clips to the magnets, let them dry, and hang them from the ceiling. When hot gluing, I took my time and supported each paper clip until the glue hardened enough to let it stand alone. I was able to make about 50 of them in an hour.

These easily hung a food chain craftivity. Granted, they won't hang heavy things - like an inflatable sun or most of the planets. But, they're good when you have 50 student projects to hang from the ceiling.

Oh, and to get them up there without using chairs - run over to Dollar Tree and pick up one of those long-handled tools with a claw on the end to pick things up.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Long Division

Ahh....a teacher's favorite skill to teach a bunch of kiddos that haven't quite mastered basic division! My class has been hard at work - our new benchmarks require students to divide using up to 4-digit dividends. To help them practice, I created a little game that grows with them. Best of all, they enjoy it and even ask to play it! :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

TPT Sale Extended!

Due to traffic overload on the TPT site, they have decided to extend their sale through May 8th. My site will also be on sale, 20% off, through May 8th. Grab a few things while you can get that 28% off (code TPTXO).