Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Festive Fraction Fun

Greetings, fellow educators and enthusiasts! Today, we delve into a free classroom activity where artistic expression meets mathematical concepts. Each year, my 4th grade class embarks on a unique math adventure, turning a plain Christmas tree into a colorful tapestry of fractions.

Crafting with Fingers: The initial step involves the exciting process of finger-painting 24 ornaments onto the Christmas tree. Students love this part! (Just give into the messy finger. If you put them all at one table by the sink, you'll survive.) Little do they know, the real mathematical exploration was just beginning.

Fraction Analysis: Once the ornaments are dry, the focus shifts to the world of fractions. Students will count ornaments of different colors, reaching the total of 24. The challenge is then to determine the fraction represented by each color. Each present below the tree should have the fraction of ornaments that are that color.

Equivalent Fractions Exploration: With basic fractions established, students now take a deeper dive into equivalent fractions. On each present, 3 equivalent fractions should be generated.

Equation Creation: The culminating activity involved the creation of equations demonstrating how they decomposed the whole tree. I like to use Crayola's Construction Paper Crayons to write the fractions so the colors really pop!

Finally, hang the masterpieces in the hall. Your principal will love the amount of math on them and the kids (and adults!) will love the festive feel they bring to your classroom.

Grab the instructions here:

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